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Friday 4 August 2017

Business Trick by Some One To Make You Fool

In business, including international courier service in Bangladesh and even in personal life, sometimes some one trick you and make you fool. If so, here is Yakubs Tips for Business Trick how to handle it?

YakubsTips.BlogSpot.Com Business Trick by Some One To Make You Fool
Business Trick by Some One To Make You Fool

Thank you Tricker to teach me the trick.

When some one does some trick with me, I thank him to teach me the trick, so in future I can use it. May be I can protect me in future from same trick or if I find it appropriate, I may use it myself.

Life and business including International Courier Service in Bangladesh, is a game and tricks are the tools in the game. Here every body try to win. Sometimes to win one need to defeat others. So if you are a victim thanks him who make you victim and try to learn from it so in future you do not be victim or make some one else victim if needed.

Recently I have learned two tricks as those were applied against me by some one.
Example Trick 1- Reacting for silly thing
A trick people use to react is a silly thing so other think twice to trick you. They think if you react so much for s small thing that what you will do for big thing.

Example Trick 2- Being Generous for Small Thing:
Another trick I learned is being very generous for small thing so people think you are so kind. However for bigger thing you will nit be that generous that will save you from big loss by making small loss in the beginning.